As of my personal experience and as what I had observed on other intimate relationships, here are some of the things you should consider to be able to keep you relationship working:
- First, LOVE EACH OTHER - Of course, you cannot be in a serious relationship if both of you don't have the same feelings in each other.
- Second, DO NOT LIE - Lying in your partner would mean a lot if we discuss how loyal you are in each other. As much as possible, do not make lies especially when you want to comfort him/her.
- Third, KEEP COMMUNICATION OPEN - Well, you may notice most of the relationships today may start to be intimate by texting him/her love quotes and other love messages or even calling him/her. When you are in a long distance relationship, this thing is the most important.
- Fourth, STAY SWEET - Staying sweet despite of all the terrible things that may happen in the duration of your relationship makes your partner more comfortable when they are with him/her.
- Fifth, WHEN YOU GET HURT JUST FORGIVE AND FORGET - I may have experience this once in my life and this way is the best way to just understand him/her whatever tragic happens in your relationship. Simply forgive and forget what had just happened.
- Sixth, NEVER TALK ABOUT BREAKUPS - Never never never mention things such as break ups! Especially when both of you are in the middle of your lover's quarrel, he/she may get it seriously! Believe me, it hurts!
- Seventh, NEVER SAY IT'S OKAY WHEN IT'S NOT - Definitely, don't try to be a hypocrite to your partner. Just say what you have in mind. If it's not okay, then it's not. Actually, he/she may comfort or find ways to make you feel okay.
- Eighth, FORGET ABOUT PRIDE - Hell yeah, just remove the word 'Pride' in your vocabulary when you're talking about relationships. It will make your relationship complicated.
- Ninth, IF YOU SAY SORRY MEAN IT - As what I have experienced, I may say I'm sorry but I actually didn't mean it. Well I guess next I will be saying sorry to my partner, I'm gonna mean it!
- Tenth, DON'T COMPARE YOUR PAST TO YOUR PRESENT - It will just make your partner to be your past, soon. Just get satisfied of what he/she have, remember, every human being is unique, there may be some similarities, but not all.
- Eleventh, DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR EX'S - Duh, what the heck by the way, personally I get irritated when I'm talking about my ex's.
- Twelfth, GIVE AND TAKE PROCESS - Don't expect everything you gave to him/her has a return in exchange, well if it does, good; hence if does not, that's fine.
- Thirteenth, BEWARE OF HIS/HER FEELINGS - Caution! Read his/her actions because sometimes they express it by their moves. Be sensitive, do not get numb.
- Fourteenth, WHEN YOU HAD A FIGHT DON'T LET THE DAY PASS - Definitely, if it does, then he/she may think things more complicated and you can't hardly apologize as if you are toddlers.
- Fifteenth, DON'T BE THE PERFECT ONE BE THE RIGHT ONE - Well obviously there's no perfect human being in this mortal world. And never will be, just be happy of what you have both, just continue loving each other and someday, you may find that you don't need to be perfect, just right.
I hope I have shared my thoughts and observations on how we can preserve the relationship you have now or soon. Just remember, stay happy, be contented.